What ' s more , some places are subject to floods while others are frequented by droughts 更有甚者,有些地方洪水肆虐,有些地方却旱象成灾。
According to the weather report , the typhoon will pass over the region ) if so , the drought will be relieved (根据天气报告称,此次台风将经过这个地区)如果是这样,旱象将得到缓和。
While in india , our work team stayed mainly in the state of rajasthan , which was plagued for several years by a severe drought that reached crisis proportions in the spring of 2003 . many parts of the state had suffered from inadequate rainfall for seven of the past ten years , and several areas had not seen any rain for four or five consecutive years 在印度,我们这一团主要待在罗吉斯坦rajasthan省,罗省旱象极为严重,省内许多地方在过去十年中,有七年曾遭受乾旱之苦,其中有许多区域甚至已连续四五年以上未见雨水。