We ' re up with the sunrise . a great day is ahead . let ' s make the most of it 千禧年的来临就像旭日初升,代表前景充满光明,前面的康庄大道,有待你去前进探索。
While the sun shone , the natural world came alive with a brilliance and beauty our modern world just cannot equal 当旭日初升,大自然在瞬间苏醒,那种光辉和美丽现代世界无法望其项背。
Our school badge is circular in shape . the small circle represents the rising sun and the lines symbolize welcoming sunrise with hands 本校的校徽是圆形的,内里的小圆代表了日出,下面的线条象徵双手迎接旭日初升的景象。
On festive days , special pyrotechnic displays launched from the middle of the harbour add extra sparkle to the show . for the best view of a symphony of lights 全新制作的汇演共有五个主题,先以旭日初升作序幕,然后是活力澎湃继往开来和共创辉煌,最后以普天同庆为压轴。
There are five main themes - awakening , energy , heritage , partnership and the finale , celebration . on festive days , special pyrotechnic displays launched from the middle of the harbour add extra sparkle to the show 全新制作的汇演共有五个主题,先以旭日初升作序幕,然后是活力澎湃继往开来和共创辉煌,最后以普天同庆为压轴。
The show creates an all - round vision of coloured lights , laser beams and searchlights performing a stunning , unforgettable spectacle synchronised to music and narration that celebrates the energy , spirit and diversity of hong kong 全新制作的汇演共有五个主题,先以旭日初升作序幕,然后是活力澎湃继往开来和共创辉煌,最后以普天同庆为压轴。