A probe into the standard of state compensate - from ma dandan ' s case 从麻旦旦一案谈起
While tourism growth in france has been slow , china has been enjoying double - digit expansion for years , with the number of tourist arrivals doubling in the past five years alone 法国旅游业的增长已经滞缓,而中国的游客数量正成两位数倍的上涨,旦旦过去的五年内,游客数量已经翻了一番。
This paper is based on information resource planning theory , to solve the problem appearing in the information construction of project management . that is how to use information resource planning theory , to set up the whole the information resource management basic standard of groups , to set up production and management systematic function model and datum model , and to build the information platform ' s foundation of the whole group 即如何运用信息资源规划理论,建立全集团的信息资源管理基础标准,建立生产经营主系统功能模型和数据模型,为建设全集团统一的信息平台打下内容提要竺竺竺竺旦旦旦旦绝绝里里巴里巴旦竺旦竺里旦里困里生里里巴基础。
Starting with analyzing the basic internal motive on japanese lowering cost , this part points out dalian competition advantages in geography , historical culture , preferential policies to the japanese software and the customizing training of software talents under the positive environment of china 从分析日本本国降低成本的基本内因入手,指出在全中国大好环境的前提下,大连在地理,历史文化,对日软件优惠内容提要旦旦旦旦只照旦旦只照旦旦旦,旦旦政策以及对日软件人才定制培养等多方面的竟争优势。
It is reflected in the aspects of quantity and quality ; ( 3 ) the unsatisfactory benefit . . the number of enterprises entering the epz in per square kilometer , the amount of investment , and the total value of import and export are not satisfactory ; ( 4 ) the high cost of operating and managing the enterprises inside the epz . on one hand , indirect purchase inside the nation increases cost ; on the other hand , the transportation under the supervision of customs increases the cost of logistics ; ( 5 ) the little technological content of the enterprises inside the epz 发展速度缓慢,主要体现在总量和速度两方面;项目引进难、规模偏小,主要体现在数量和质量两方面;效益较差,每平方公里的进区企业数、引资额、进出口总额、出口总额都不理想,收益微薄;入区企业运行维护成本高,一方面国内间接采购增加费用,另一方面海关监管运输增加物流成本;入甲文摘要旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦区企业科技含量较低,五家企业中只有一家属于高科技企业,另外四家都属于传统机加工企业;前后向联系差,带动效应弱。
The labor force resource in our country is abundant , the low cost of which is the source of competition advantage of our county ' s citrus . the system of popularizing research results can not fit in with the needs of the production . means of production at low price is beneficial to the reduction of production costs , .互旦甲-里里旦旦体系和生产的要求脱节,成果转化缓慢;从农业生产资料的提供来看,低价格的农业生产资料提供有利于柑橘生产成本的降低,所以保证重要农资价格不过快增长对我国柑橘国际竞争力有利;其它方面来看,资本和基础设施仍是我国柑橘国际竞争力提高的制约因素。
The former means the mistakes made on purpose . but it is really hard to judge whether a mistake is made deliberately or not ; the latter concerns objective mistakes rather than subjective ones . but this pricinple has the same disadvantage as the former one as to the problem of " what is the normal standard 精神损害赔偿本不属于国家赔偿范围,但随着民事赔偿关于精神损害赔偿的规定日益完善,尤其通过麻旦旦精神伤害索赔案的介绍,以及国外有关国家赔偿中对精神损害的重视,在我国的国家赔偿法中实有必要建立精神损害赔偿制度。