take up (along with sth. more important)) 短语和例子 他专攻古典文学, 旁及历史。 he studies classical literature, but also takes an interest in history
Example Sentences:
He studies classical literature , but also takes an interest in history . 他专攻古典文学,旁及历史。
You can branch into the field of history and geography 你还可以旁及历史,地理等学科。
Music for the show is broadcast along the golden bauhinia square promenade in wan chai and the avenue of stars in tsim sha tsui 湾仔金紫荆广场海旁及尖沙咀星光大道,更有配乐播放。
Is an exotic climber which grows rapidly in open and disturbed areas such as roadsides and derelict land 薇甘菊是外来的攀援植物,在一些受干扰和空旷地方如路旁及荒废的土地较为常见。
Tackling this hoary puzzle requires expertise in several fields , including cryptography , linguistics and medieval history 要解决这个古老谜团,必须旁及好几个领域的专门知识,包括密码学、语言学和中世纪历史等。
Get off at the roundabout of hang on estate and take a 45 minutes walk to reach the entrance , which inside ma on shan barbecue site 乘车至马鞍山恒安或耀安,沿回旋处旁之良友路上斜路,步行约四十五分钟便到达马鞍山烧烤场旁及马鞍山树木研习径入口。
In response to the need of the market , this programme shall be rooted in the hong kong institutional environment , but students shall also be exposed to international issues and practices 为了切合市场的需要,这个课程的设计系以本港保险业为起点,同时亦会旁及跨地区实务的相关课题。
Public education is not a peripheral part of our work . money and banks are essential features of everyday life , and public confidence in our monetary and banking systems is a key factor in their stability 由于货币及银行触及每个人的日常生活,而公众信心是维系货币及银行体系稳定的重要支柱,因此公众教育并不只是金管局所旁及的工作。
The automatic train control signaling system of the kwun tong , tsuen wan and island lines was completely replaced and renewed by an advanced system in 1998 . the replacement included all trackside and train - borne signaling equipment and apparatus 一九九八年全面更新观塘线、荃湾线及港岛线的列车自动控制系统,工程包括更新轨道旁及列车上的讯号设备及装置。