[ shī; shì; shǐ; yì; yí ] Ⅰ动词 1.(实行; 施展) execute; carry out 短语和例子 无所施其技 no chance (for sb.) to play his tricks; 他们一计不成, 又施一计。 their first ruse having failed, they tried another.2.(给予) exert; impose 短语和例子 己所不欲, 勿施于人 do not do to others what you would not have them do to you; do as you would be done by; 施压力 exert pressure3.(施舍) give; hand out; bestow; grant 短语和例子 乐善好施 always glad to give to charities; 施恩 bestow favour4.(用; 加上) use; apply 短语和例子 施底肥 apply fertilizer to the subsoil; 施粉 powder; 一亩地要施多少肥? how much fertilizer should be applied on one mu of land?Ⅱ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 施耐庵 shi nai'an
Example Sentences:
They had shot their last bolt . 他们已经把他们最后的招数都施出来了。
He has been getting up to his old tricks again ! 他又要重施故技了!
Speelman next sailed to the moluccas . 施贝尔曼接着乘船来到马鲁古。
They go to clear and cure the land . 他们去把那块土地垦好,再施上肥料。
After lunch came the daily water duty . 午饭后,照例是施水仪式。
A very little trouble on your side secures him . 你略施小计便能将他缚住。
Getting rid of dorsch was scuttled . 撤换多施的想法已成泡影。
She is lovely in a way that almost forbids adornment . 她美得不能再施脂粉。
Finally, she decided he must be conjured . 最后,她认定他准是被人施了魔法。
Do unto others as you would be done by . 己之所欲,施之于人。