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Home > english-chinese > "方向滤波器" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "方向滤波器"

anisotropic filter
direction filter equipment
optical directional filter

Related Translations:
组合滤波器:  combining filtercomposite filters
断层方向:  fault trend
上风方向:  upwind
方向修正:  adjustment for directionadjustment in directionlateral pointing correction
罗纹方向:  l. grain direction
运动方向:  direction of motionheadingsense of motionsense of movement
查找方向:  search direction
排列方向:  orientation
击球方向:  direction of stroke
水流方向:  set of streamwater directionwater (flow) direction
Example Sentences:
1.In this paper , we firstly design orientation filters based on directional image of fingerprint and employ them to denoise gray - scale image . then , we binarize the gray - scale image with local self - adaptive binarization smoothness algorithm and eliminate the noises from the binary image with fast fourier transform algorithm
2.In light of highly dependence among steps of fingerprint preprocessing , we analyzed the whole process of fingerprint preprocessing , proposed new approaches for image preliminary filtering and the design of orientation filter , and got satisfactory results of preprocessing on the fingerprint containing gauss white noise
3.Because the high resolution on high frequency of wavelet package meets the feature of fingerprint containing abundant high frequency , we filtered the fingerprint preliminarily by means of wavelet package . while designing orientation filter , we introduced the square - circle transform to rotate filter , thus we reduced computing complexity and avoided imported errors
Similar Words:
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