| 1. | Huzhou machinery electric manufacture co . , ltd 湖州新荣机电设备制造有限公司 |
| 2. | Shanxi xin rong ji hotel 陕西新荣基酒店 |
| 3. | Shanxi xin rong ji hotel : shaanxi hotels - china hotel shaanxi hotel reservation 陕西新荣基酒店:陕西饭店-中国饭店陕西饭店订房网 |
| 4. | The faculty of division of biochemistry and molecular biology consists of three associate professors 本学科副教授3名,李新荣副教授和袁榴娣副教授是江苏省生化学会理事。 |
| 5. | Be it the dissolution of sin yong hua heng or the marginalisation of chinese theatre , it boils down to the question of whether the chinese language here is alive and well 由此看来,不论是职业戏班新荣和兴的解散,或是华语话剧走向边缘化,都与华文在新加坡的生命息息相关。 |
| 6. | Be it the dissolution of sin yong hua heng or the marginalisation of chinese theatre , it boils down to the question of whether the chinese language here is alive and well 由此看来,不论是职业戏班新荣和兴的解散,或是华语话剧走向边缘化,都与华文在新加坡的生命息息相关。 |
| 7. | Tomakomai furano visit : farm tomita , flower garden biei visit : chiyoda beef fureai farm , takushinkan , sinei hill , patchwork road asahikawa hotel : asahikawa hotel or similar 苫小牧富良野参观:富田农场,富岚湾花园美瑛参观:千代田交流牧场,拓真馆,新荣之丘,拼布之路旭川饭店三餐 |
| 8. | The planning department and the zhuhai development reform bureau have each appointed a liaison officer to facilitate the co - ordination and exchange of future planning and regional development information 竹篙湾基建工程1 2期获第6届詹天佑土木工程大奖,由土木工程拓展署署长蔡新荣代表该署前往北京领奖。 |
| 9. | In the afternoon of 12 february , there were 31 naxi pupils in their best singing and dance in the school , the loud music echoed about campus , attracted the elders and kids from nearby villages 2月12日下午,丽江拉市乡新荣完小内音乐和歌声回荡在校园内, 31名身着盛装的纳西族学生随着起伏的旋律,跳起了当地著名的迎宾舞。 |
| 10. | Shkp - kwoks foundation principal executive richard kan , hong kong polytechnic university vice president lui sun - wing and institute for enterprise associate director sidney wong front , sixth from left with participants and instructors 郭氏基金常务委员简永桢理工大学副校长吕新荣博士及培训课程导师高彦鸣教授前排左六至左八,与参与计划的老师及导师代表合照。 |