Luo has a very good basic skill and a loud sound and a wide range of voice together with proficient singing and kung fu skills especially somersaults turning 罗家康基本功扎实,嗓音宽亮,文武兼备,跟头技巧全面,表演松弛,幽默、颇有灵气。
The tendency of unifying the opposite elements mentioned above evidently exhibits the chapter ' s author ' s attitude of the mean and orientation of value in his social life 其阴阳调和、刚柔有体而文武兼备的思想倾向,很能说明作者在人生领域的折衷态度和价值取向。
He sings with a well - trained voice that is sonorous , rich , flexible when switching pitches , highly expressive and with a unique style . he performed lead roles in a meeting of heroes 他文武兼备,艺术功底深厚,嗓音纯正,高亢圆润,演唱嘎调运用自如,声情并茂,博采众长,形成自己独特的演唱风格。
Confucius ' military thoughts cover aspects such as military subject to unification , defense construction of being good at both civil and military affairs , and some principles of ruling the military 孔子军事思想的主要内容包括军事服务于统一的思想、文武兼备的国防建设思想、治军的一些基本原则等几个方面。