On academic intercourse between liu wendian and chen yinke 刘文典与陈寅恪学术交往述论
There are three great constituents of modern education - the classics , modern history and literature , and science 现代内大三有育教容-古代现、学文典历史和文学、以及自然科学。
They laid particularly stress on cultivating the morality of the talent by teaching the ancient books and records and the skill training 在文典传授和技能训练中,注重培养人才的伦理道德素质。
Digitized fascimiles of early congressional documents . totally cool ! you can also search the house and senate journals up to the 42nd congress ( up to 1873 ) , in addition to other documents 早期国会文件的数位图文典藏(超级棒的! ) 。各位同学可以找寻从第42届(追朔到1873年)开始的国会期刊,以及其他的文件。