Chinese translation for "敢于 "
[ gǎnyú ] dare to; be bold in; have the courage to 短语和例子 敢于承当 i'll take my sam upon it! 敢于斗争[战斗], 敢于胜利 dare to struggle [fight] and dare to win; 敢于斗争, 善于斗争 dare to struggle and know how to struggle; 他敢于说出他认为正确的东西。 he has the courage to speak out what he thinks right. 他们不怕围攻, 敢于承担这样的风险。 unafraid of attack, they dared (to) run such risks Related Translations:敢于碰硬 : dare to overcome tough obstacles
敢于梦想 : if we dream everything is possible
敢于斗争敢于胜利 : dare to struggle and dare to win
敢于承当 : i'll take my sam upon it
敢于斗争善于斗争 : dare to struggle and know how to struggle
敢于冒险的人 : a person who dares to take risks
严惩敢于入侵之敌 : severely punish any enemy that dares to intrude take or give warning
敢于提出自己的观点 : have the courage of one's opinions
Example Sentences: 1. No trading ships dared leave there . 没有一艘商船敢于 停泊在那里。 2. He slew all who dared to withstand him . 他把敢于 对抗他的人都斩尽杀绝。 3. We dare to break a path unbeaten before . 我们敢于 走前人未尝走过的新路。 4. These girls dare to blaze new paths . 这些姑娘敢于 闯新路。 5. However, the man dared the monster to attack . 但是这个人却敢于 对付那妖物的攻击。 6. Bill had never stood up to henry in his life . 比尔一生从来没有敢于 同亨利对抗过。 7. He has the courage to speak out what he thinks right . 他敢于 说出他认为正确的东西。 8. If anyone steps outside this compound, shoot ! 任何人敢于 跨出这个区域一步,格杀勿论! 9. So few people ever take a stand for what they believe in . 几乎没有人敢于 维护自己的主张。 10. They were men enough to face the darkness . 他们都是堂堂的男子汉,都是些敢于 面对现实的人。
Similar Words: "敢想敢说敢干" Chinese translation , "敢想敢做的人" Chinese translation , "敢向两大波霸" Chinese translation , "敢也" Chinese translation , "敢用你的舌头舔我" Chinese translation , "敢于, 冒昧" Chinese translation , "敢于承担任何艰险" Chinese translation , "敢于承当" Chinese translation , "敢于承受挑战和压力,能正确面对和处理困难" Chinese translation , "敢于斗争,敢于胜利" Chinese translation