| 1. | Trade relief measures and their countermeasures 政府在帮助企业应对贸易救济措施方面的作用 |
| 2. | On the relief measures of china textile trade in after - quota age 后配额时代中国纺织品贸易面临的贸易救济措施 |
| 3. | On the basic principles of strengthening and improving china ' s trade remedy 论巩固和完善我国贸易救济措施的基本原则 |
| 4. | The fourth chapter focuses on substantive measures of remedies to false statement 第四章证券发行虚假陈述的实体法救济措施。 |
| 5. | But the structure is confusing and the provisions are too simple and need to be enriched in practice 提前承担违约责任这一救济措施亦存在问题。 |
| 6. | The effect of safeguard measures is more direct and effective than that of other trade remedies 保障措施制度保护国内产业的安全,比其他贸易救济措施更直接、更有效。 |
| 7. | " containing rights necessarily have to give relief ' , finally , preserving measures toward it are given “有权利必有救济” ,最后,对行政相对人程序性权利的维护提出了相应的救济措施。 |
| 8. | Procedure for prosecutorial supervision over adjudication is the means of relief which retries wrong rules which have come into effect 刑事再审程序是对错误的生效裁判再次审理的救济措施。 |
| 9. | In china , to improve the current situations of minority shareholders , derivative action shall be introduced promptly 无救济,则无权利。作者在该部分中详细论述了小股东权利的法律救济措施。 |
| 10. | So this treatise along with coase ' s idea solves this paradox again and applies this analysis method to the law remedy 本文基于科斯的思路运用成本收益分析方法重新解决此悖论,进而来完善法律救济措施。 |