| 1. | Do we then turn our backs on technique ? 那么,我们是不是摒弃技术呢? |
| 2. | Renunciation of pleasure has always been very hard to man . 摒弃快乐对人来说总是不易做到的。 |
| 3. | As to prophecies, intelligent writers gave them up long ago . 至于预言书,明智的作家们早就将它们摒弃了。 |
| 4. | The principles of the struggle were disowned and the league of nations turned down . 斗争的原则摒弃了,国际联盟遭到拒绝。 |
| 5. | To screen out extraneous thoughts, he closed his eyes and drew a deep breath . 为了摒弃种种杂念,他闭上眼睛,深吸了一口气。 |
| 6. | Science advances both by finding out what is true and by eliminating what is false . 科学的进展既有赖于发现真理,又有赖于摒弃谬误。 |
| 7. | He became a progressively harsh and disillusioned critic of his country's failings . 他成了一个摒弃一切幻想,严厉抨击时弊的批评家。 |
| 8. | Emerson exhorted them to "cast behind you all conformity, and acquaint men at first hand with deity. " 爱默生鼓励他们“摒弃一切俗尚,直接和神灵交往。” |
| 9. | Do you know, i think i'd give up every ambition, every desire in me for the chance to be a perfect priest ? 你是否知道我打算摒弃一切野心、各种私欲,就为了做一个完美的教士? |
| 10. | The forerunners of modern science were gradually discarding magical practices in favor of scientific experiment . 近代科学的鼻祖们逐渐摒弃了各种不可思议的习俗,以利于科学实验的发展。 |