This adulteration of food must be stopped . 必须制止在食品中搀假。
Indeed , the whole truth about the life and work of the messiah , he says , has been suppressed and his story falsified and adulterated by ecclesiastical history 他说,的确,关于弥赛亚生活和工作的整个事实已经被查禁,而他的故事也被教会历史篡改搀假。
Fda has traditionally viewed blending of out - of - spec batches with material that is in specification as an act of adulteration , disguising a defect in a batch by blending it with another batch 答: fda传统的观点是认为这样做是搀假行为,是用其他批次的物料和它混粉来掩盖批次中的缺陷。