| 1. | He inquired into his visitors' problems with disarming frankness . 他以使人无法反驳的坦率态度探询他的来宾们的问题。 |
| 2. | Spruance and pug henry exchanged quizzical looks near the end . 快结束时,斯普鲁恩斯和帕格亨利交换了一下探询的眼色。 |
| 3. | When bethune looked inquiringly at tung, the interpreter stepped forward . 白求恩探询地望望董的时候,这位翻译就走上前去。 |
| 4. | The boss turned to her with his mouth full, his eyes charged with serious inquiry . 老板满嘴含着吃的东西,满眼含着郑重其事探询追问的神气转向她。 |
| 5. | He wondered if he had ever seen another gaze so direct, searching and thoughtful . 他弄不清楚有生以来是否受到过如此毫不隐晦的凝视,探询和沉思的目光。 |
| 6. | Desperately the besieged had asked, through the navy's radio, for news of developments outside the encircled city . 被围的人们通过海军的无线电千方百计探询围城外面的情况。 |
| 7. | Victor henry had tried to avoid a night with the army man, to duck the risk of just such a probe . 维克多享利极力避免跟这个陆军军官一起过上一夜,正是为了想避开这样一次探询的危险。 |
| 8. | His first thought was to seek out slyme, but he found upon enquiring that the latter had left the town previous morning . 他的第一个念头就是去找斯莱姆算帐,经过探询,才知道斯莱姆已于头一天早晨离开麦格斯市了。 |
| 9. | Researches into the life awareness in the quot; wenqi quot; theory 论的生命意识探询 |
| 10. | I went off in the canoe to ask about it 我把小船划过去进行探询。 |