磨墨挥毫: grind the ink and flourish the brush to write
Example Sentences:
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind 你能不能蘸着风的颜色挥毫?
The participants can either may engage in joint creation or improvise on the spot 书画笔会可联合创作或即席挥毫。
Mr . guo lin , the former deputy minister of railway , was writing a message for us 原铁道部副部长国林先生为公司挥毫题词
As a usual the dominating d cor in their shops would be their self - satisfied works 他们在经营过程中,往往邀友挥毫,店中显眼处能见到他们各自的得意之作。
So , he prescribed ten crataegus and 15 g of malt sugar for her and then swaggered off 于是,挥毫写出: “棠球子十枚,红糖15克,熬汁饭前饭用,每日三次。 ”然后扬长而去。
The god of wealth was present at the ceremony and distributed gold " yuen bao " chocolates to the public 现场还有"财神"派发金元宝朱古力,并有人员即席挥毫,免费为在场人士写挥春。
Prof chen wrote faichun during the opening ceremony with the peer mentors and mentees to extend their love and care to the community 校长在开幕礼上即席挥毫,与学长学友一同写挥春,将对社区的关怀寄予挥春上,送赠长者。
“ if i can make little dots , i can make big dots , too . ” vashti splashed her colours with a bigger brush on bigger paper to make bigger dots “如果我可以画小点,我就可以画大点。 ”沃诗提说完就拿起了一只大画笔,在一张大纸上挥毫起来。
Scholars of tang mostly wrote at ease , not merely had printed their footprint in the place of arrival , and but alsl had left the eternal poem of spreading 唐代文人大多信手挥毫,所到之处不仅印染了他们的足迹,而且留下了流传千古的诗作。
Under the commission of council of cultural affairs , conducted such series activities as solicitation of spring festival couplets , writing with a brush and circuit exhibition 接受文建会委托办理之新春春联徵选、挥毫、巡回展览等系列活动。