The decision was not unanimous; three justices dissented, justice harlan roundly attacking his six colleagues for violating another basic american principleseparation of powers . 各大法官对这项决定的意见并不一致。有三位法官另持异议。哈伦大法官率直指斥他的六位同僚违反另一基本立国原则分权制度。
" whoever corrects a mocker invites insult ; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse 7指斥亵慢人的、必受辱骂责备恶人的、必被玷污。
His committed article is a valuble persuasion which condemmned the defects of that time 其奏疏是一篇颇有价值的谏书,也是一篇指斥时弊之作。
He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame : and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot 箴9 : 7指斥亵慢人的、必受辱骂责备恶人的、必被玷污。
The people ' s party pilloried him for giving in to the gun and , more generally , risking the break - up of spain 在野党人民党指责他对恐怖主义屈服,危言耸听指斥萨帕特罗这一决策将危及国家团结。
The eight - part essay writing in the imperial examination system has drawn much criticism , especially on the daiyan part 摘要科举考试专用文体之一的八股文历来受到人们的批判和指斥,其“代言”又成为人们批判八股文的重要内容。
While the hkma was blamed for squeezing the interbank market , this was very much the result of the system being run by the book , without any discretion on our part to dampen interest rate volatility that might be damaging to the economy 虽然金管局当时被指斥挤压银行同业市场,但其实我们只是按照联系汇率制度的本子办事,因为当时金管局在遏抑利率波动上根本并无任何酌情的空间。
In his judgment on 27 september 1996 , the high court judge reproached the former carrian chairman for choosing to play delaying games with the legal system . he also pointed out that each of the defendants had sought every legal and technical means at their disposal to push back the trial 高等法院法官在1996年9月27日的判辞中也曾指斥前佳宁主席利用法律制度,不断玩弄拖延游戏,他更指出本案每一位被告都用尽所有法律途径或技巧,以图拖延那无可避免的审讯。