Sitting there, his sword pressed between his knees, hand on the hilt, he looked charged with energy . 他精神抖擞地坐在那里,两膝夹住指挥刀,手按刀柄。
Good appearance ! here are some clews : it ' s mostly owned by the local officers , but probably not warlords because they don ' t need it given by their underlings 品像挺好!提供点线索:多半是收藏地点当地政要土豪劣绅之类,军阀可能性较小,他们本身就有指挥刀,不需要下级赠送
All would pay deference to an officer like you , with a fierce mustache and a long sabre , but they think they may crush a poor weeping girl with impunity . 人们对象你这么一位挂着一把长长的指挥刀蓄着一脸威猛小胡子的军官总是很尊敬的,但认为欺负我这样一个只会哭泣可怜的姑娘是没什么了不起的。 ”