| 1. | The choice lies between death and dishonour . 在死亡与受辱之间任择其一。 |
| 2. | There are the vegetables to peel and the soup to heat . 菜要择,汤要加热。 |
| 3. | We had to pick our way along the muddy track . 我们须在泥泞小道上择路而行。 |
| 4. | You're to win by hook or by crook . 你们要不择手段争胜。 |
| 5. | Miss crawford may choose her degree of wealth . 克劳福特小姐可以先择她要富到什么程度。 |
| 6. | The three chose their subjects and set patiently to work . 三人选择了自己的题材,不倦地工作起来。 |
| 7. | The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes . 公路干线遭水淹没,我们只得择乡间小径绕行。 |
| 8. | The basic substance willis selected for the strata of his experiments was beeswax . 威利斯在他做的试验中选择摸拟地层基本物质是石蜡。 |
| 9. | My wife hoped one day to have the pleasure of returning his kindness at our own house . 我的女人说,择一天请他到我们家里,报答他拯救之恩。 |
| 10. | I was a little drunk. not drunk in any positive sense but just enough to be careless . 我已有几分醉意,并没有真醉,但谈起话来已经到了不择词句的程度。 |