| 1. | Your presence is cordially requested . 务希拨冗出席。 |
| 2. | Venue jan van rijswijcklaan 191 , 2020 antwerpen , belgium 如蒙拨冗,不胜荣幸。 |
| 3. | Composes experts and scholars in the field of film and media art 由专家及学者拨冗担任。 |
| 4. | Composes experts and scholars in the field of film and media art 由专家及学者拨冗担任。 |
| 5. | All pupils ' parents are invited 敬请各位家长届时拨冗出席。 |
| 6. | If mr . bumble can spare the time .如果邦布尔先生能拨冗 |
| 7. | I hope many of you will be able to join this speech and performance ! ! 我希望你们能够拨冗来参加这场演说! |
| 8. | Jane : we appreciate you taking the time to show us your facility 阿珍:我们很感谢您拨冗带我们参观你们的设施。 |
| 9. | We gather here today to observe the fundation euro - china trade council 感谢大家从百忙中拨冗广临今天的联欢会。 |
| 10. | I must first thank all the overseas guests for sparing their time to join this event 首先,我要多谢所有海外嘉宾拨冗光临。 |