May the god of money give you a thriving business 愿今年财神爷帮您招财进宝。
May the god of money give you a thriving business 愿财神爷帮您招财进宝。
Width 14cm , height 24cm , with hanging wire , and candle holder inside . red 直径12cm高15cm红色招财进宝图案加福字吊牌
The maxim was that when a married couple ( saw red lawyers ) saw green 译:俗话说,夫妇吵得面红耳赤之时,便是律师招财进宝之日。
Since the shape of the dumplings resembles a gold ingot , eating them symbolizes the gaining of wealth 由于水饺貌似元宝,食用饺子象徵招财进宝。
Chinese tradition says fireworks frighten evil spirits , drive away bad luck and attract the god of wealth 中国传统认为烟花爆竹能避灾驱邪、招财进宝。
She had cut it that very morning on account of the new moon and it nestled about her pretty head in a profusion of luxuriant clusters and pared her nails too , thursday for wealth 为了图个新月上升的吉利,当天早晨她曾把头发剪了剪,浓密的鬈发蓬蓬松松地环绕在她那俊秀的头上。她还修剪了指甲。星期四剪,招财进宝。