He is very obstinate ; you won't be able to make him change his mind . 他这个人脾气犟,你可拗不过他。
The confrontation with britain is but another reason 中英争拗不过是另一个原因。
The mother gave in and bought a toy for her child 拗不过孩子的要求,母亲买了玩具给他。
" keep up the good good , my small treasure . " husband 拗不过 me , and i put on their clothes , we drove out of “好好好,我的小宝贝。 ”老公拗不过我,跟我穿好衣服,我们开车出去了。
I write without any intention of paining you , or humbling myself , by dwelling on wishes , which , for the happiness of both , cannot be too soon forgotten ; and the effort which the formation and the perusal of this letter must occasion should have been spared , had not my character required it to be written and read 我曾经衷心地希望我们双方会幸福,可是我不想在这封信里再提到这些,免得使你痛苦,使我自己受委屈。我所以要写这封信,写了又要劳你的神去读,这无非是拗不过自己的性格,否则便可以双方省事,免得我写你读。