I believe some pictures of mine had made a great success at the time, at least had been chattered about in the penny newspapers . 我相信当时我的一些作品相当成功,至少一些小报上曾经拉杂谈过。
You clog the action by introducing so much extraneous material . 你插进了许多拉杂的东西,妨碍了动作的发展。 ”
" you were too voluble , " she said . " but it was beautiful , in places . “你太拉杂, ”她说, “但是小说很美,在某些部分。 ”
Seven samurai , 1963 6 21 ; there was a maelstrom of emotions and desires whirling around that woman , and the people and events related to her . li might have given an effective treatment of some emotions and moods , but he couldn t grasp the whole magnitude of such a colourful life 火光:武则天拉杂谈七侠四义, 1963 6 21围绕这个女人的人和事,有七情六欲之繁,李以处理某些情绪见效的手法,不见得能把握这个多姿多采的生命。