This product is every type computers . it is fit for the clothes , beddings , embroidery , lace , and the other textiles ' embroidery processes 适用于各型电脑(如服装、床上用品,挂件、绣图、制衣、花边、抽纱等纺织品)的绣花。
This product is fit for every type computers , such as the clothes , beddings , embroidery , lace , and the other textiles ' embroidery processes 适用于各型电脑(如服装、床上用品,挂件、绣图、制衣、花边、抽纱等纺织品)的绣花。
Our products have gaines customers over the country and entered international market . " newer , better and more effcient " is the management tenet of the company , and it is also the base for the company to survive and develop 适用于服装、鞋帽、工艺美术、抽纱刺绣等行业,产品畅销全国各地,并已打入国际市场,远销中南亚各国,深受广大用户的青睐。 “更新、更好、更高效”是企业的经营理念,是多年来企业赖以生存和发展的根本。