和盘托出: emerge in its totality; bring sth. out in its entirety; disclose the whole secret; empty the bag; hand over everything to someone; lay all the cards on the table; let out the whole story;
所有: 1.(拥有) own; possess 短语和例子我个人的所有物 my personal possessions; 全民所有 owned by the whole people: 集体所有 owned by the collective; 生产资料应当属国家所有。 the means of production should be owned by the state.2.
情况: 1.(情形) circumstances; situation; condition; state of affairs 短语和例子陈述自己的情况 state one's case; 全部情况 the whole circumstances; 健康情况 health condition; 在境况较差[优裕]的情况下 in reduced [well] circumstanc