应收帐款承购与管理: achat et gestion du recouvrement de facture
Example Sentences:
The mortgage of advance booking of commercial housing enables the mortgagee to purchase the house by paying only a few of first installments 商品房预售按揭,使得承购人以较少的首期款就可以购得房屋。
Article 2 the term “ advance sale of commercial houses ” as mentioned in the present measures refers to the act that the real estate development enterprises ( hereinafter referred to as the redes ) sell the houses under construction to purchasers and the purchasers pay the earnest money or the prices of houses 第二条本办法所称商品房预售是指房地产开发企业(以下简称开发企业)将正在建设中的房屋预先出售给承购人,由承购人支付定金或房价款的行为。