Also , it is possible to obtain provisional approval to teach without a teaching certificate or license for many schools 另外,你也能凭借临时批件在其他类型的学校教书。
You are only required to take the exit paper approved by the administration of foreign exchange for the bank ' s examination before acquiring foreign exchange 您只需持外汇管理局审批的出国批件,经银行审核无误后即可予以供汇。
Hiv experimental vaccines go through many years of testing in the laboratory and in animals before they are approved by the drug regulatory authorities for testing in people Hiv试验性疫苗在获得药品管理局的临床批件之前已经在试验室和动物中进行了长达数年的试验。
Article 6 high technical products , samples for dissembling and testing imported by the enterprises shall be released free of duty by the customs against the approval documents of the verifying department 第六条企业进口为拆解、试验用的高技术产品、样品、样机等,海关验凭开发区审批部门的批件并予以审核后免税放行。
An import entity shall not go through the formalities for import record keeping and port inspection on imported drugs unless it has acquired the drug import registration certificate ( or pharmaceutical products registration certificate ) 进口药品必须取得国家食品药品监督管理局核发的《进口药品注册证》 (或者《医药产品注册证》 ) ,或者《进口药品批件》后,方可办理进口备案和口岸检验手续。