A new, unseen voice was booming through the pa system . 一个新的,看不见的声音从扩音机里嗡嗡地传来。
What are the chances that i will blow one of my stereo speakers if i turn my 200-watt amplifier up to wide open ? 如果把200瓦的扩音机开到最大,立体声喇叭烧坏的可能性有多大?
She gave up talking as she saw bette was trying to listen to the speech that was being relayed through a loud-speaker tied to one of the trees . 系在一棵树上的扩音机里传过来人家的演讲,她看见蓓蒂要听就不说话了。
Ten minutes later sutherland grabbed a microphone 十分钟后,萨瑟兰抓住扩音机话筒。
Measuring methods of car radio cassette player and audio amplifier 汽车收放扩音机测量方法
Classification and basic parameter of car radio casstte player and audio amplifier 汽车收放扩音机分类与基本参数
During lunch , guests and fellow initiates sat in the shade enjoying their buddha meal . before long , loudspeakers broadcast a message that master had just phoned to say hello . exultant as we were , we were equally able to appreciate the longing feeling we had all experienced in missing each other 午餐时,同修与来宾闲坐凉荫一起享受佛饭,不一会儿,扩音机传来师父打电话回来向大家问好之消息,大家在高兴之馀,也深深体会师徒相思之苦。
The baha is anchored to the skull by a tiny titanium screw . instead of sounds entering the outer ear canal and impinging on the eardrum as in normal hearing , the sounds amplified by the device are conducted through the screw and the bones of the skull to the cochlea , the snail - shaped inner ear structure responsible for converting sounds into electrical signals carried to the brain by the auditory nerve 骨固定式助听器利用钛金属螺丝固定在耳后方的头骨,助听器扩音机放大的声音经由钛金属螺丝及头骨直接传到耳蜗,不像传统空气传导式助听器般,声音要经过外耳道,再透过鼓膜传音传至耳蜗。