扣: Ⅰ动词1.(套住或搭住) button up; buckle 短语和例子把门扣上 latch [bolt] the door; 把皮带扣上 buckle a belt; 把衣服扣上 button (up) one's coat; 扣钮扣 do up the buttons2.(把有口的器物倒过来或罩在别的东西上) place a cup, bowl etc. upside
I am delighted to be here today to witness your attempt to set a new guinness world record by making the longest floss chain in the world 今天很高兴与大家一起,见证一项世界纪录的诞生,那就是全球最长的一条用牙线圈扣成的牙线链。