| 1. | Discussion on the ligal consciousness of farmers 中国农民法律意识现状的成因分析 |
| 2. | Analysis of the causes of business cycle in real estate 房地产周期波动成因分析 |
| 3. | Path dependence - the analysis on locked corporate governance 公司治理锁定的成因分析 |
| 4. | A causal analysis of the declining cities in modern china 近代中国衰落城市成因分析 |
| 5. | Discuss and analyze causes of running out of yellow river 黄河断流的成因分析 |
| 6. | Analysis of forming reason of mud breakout in tong - yu tunnel 通渝隧道涌突泥成因分析 |
| 7. | Summary to the course of the traditional procedure of china 中国传统诉讼程式成因分析 |
| 8. | The form mechanism of grinding cracks in ceramics 陶瓷材料磨削裂纹成因分析 |
| 9. | Reason analysis of a highway landslide accident 某高速公路滑坡事故成因分析 |
| 10. | Distribution rules and formation reasons of 王坪井田断层分布规律及成因分析 |