| 1. | I want to encourage you all to keep practicing 我要鼓励大家要不懈的练习 |
| 2. | It is unlikely to find any 美国不大可能找到任何有懈可击的环节。 |
| 3. | I have learned that in every face - to - face encounter , regardless of how brief , we leave something behind 我们与别人的每一个短暂的懈逅都会留给对方影响 |
| 4. | While liu led his army to shan - shi province , he met an acquaintance li tzeng - shu in shi - an city 于是防范稍懈,刘氏越垣夜遁,从其后而欲脱逃者,不知凡几! |
| 5. | Through the tireless efforts of kyabje zopa rinpoche the proper method of preparing a prayer wheel was researched 梭巴仁波切在无懈地寻求后,找到了筹制转经轮的适当方式。 |
| 6. | It is possible to sense the essential mystery of existence and understand man ' s perennial quest for faith 你可能也可以感受到生命最根本的奥秘,从而明白人为何要不懈的追求信仰。 |
| 7. | “ we have to sharpen our edge to succeed ” . to have the success tasted , you should persistently endeavor to chase your goal “工欲善其事,必先利其器” 。想要尝到成功的滋味,就必须要不懈地努力。 |
| 8. | However , the lack of force and the backward development prevent them from playing an impotent role in regulation on standard terms 在我国,既要完善事前懈u制舢瓢口强郭规制的力度。第四部分格式条款效力删的非怖凋隧羟。 |
| 9. | More importantly , through his diligent efforts in research and analysis , professor li has established a set of theories on traditional chinese folk culture 更重要的是他在努力匪懈的研究分析中,创建了一套中国传统民间文化理论。 |
| 10. | Nocturnal dgr may be related with phase n of mmc and duodenal phase hi retroperistalsis and may play a role in protection of the antral mucosa 夜间dgr的发生可能与mmll期不规律运动和il期末的十h指肠逆蠕动有关,并可能有生理性懈胃瓢膜的作用。 |