旁: 名词1.(旁边) side 短语和例子马路两旁 both sides of the street; 站在路旁 stand by the roadside; 她坐在窗旁。 she sat at the window. 他坐在妻子的身旁。 he sat by the side of his wife.2.(汉字的偏旁) lateral radical of a chinese
子宫: 1.[生理学] uterus (pl. uteri); womb ; hystera; uter-; utero-; metra-; hystero-; hyster-2.[穴位] zigong (extra 16)◇子宫癌 cancer of the uterus (or womb); 子宫出血 uterine hemorrhage; intermenstrual flo
慢性: 1.(发作得缓慢的) slow in taking effect 短语和例子慢性毒药 slow poison2.(拖得长久的) chronic 短语和例子患慢性疾病 suffer from a chronic disease [illness]; 慢性癌 scirrhous cancer; scirrhus; 慢性鼻炎 rhinitis chronic; 慢性传染 chro