[ címéishànmù ] a benevolent and kind countenance; a benign face; a benignant look
Example Sentences:
At last the door opened and the motherly - looking sister appeared 门终于打开了,出来了那位慈眉善目的修女。
After the ceremony , people in the church started to greet each other 一个慈眉善目的老妇人过来向珍妮问好,珍妮的姥姥、姥爷把我介绍给她。
A big , motherly looking woman invariably stood guard at the door during the entire operation and counted the admissible number 在整个布施期间,一个身材高大慈眉善目的女人总是守在门口,清点可以进去的人数。
The meticulously carved sitting guanyin physiognomy soft , personality , the law of heaven , and to better the performance of guanyin mercy and generosity , guanyin starting at pure and natural calm demeanor , vivid , realistic , elegant gesture to legged earphones , more sacred atmosphere 精心雕制的坐观音面相柔和,慈眉善目,法相天成,较好地表现观音的慈悲与大度,观音手托净瓶,神态自然从容,生动逼真,姿态优雅地盘腿端坐,更显神圣大气!