| 1. | Specification of induction logging calibrating devive 感应测井仪刻度装置技术要求 |
| 2. | The application of array induction logging in oil layers of low resistivity 阵列感应测井在低电阻率油层的应用 |
| 3. | The logging principle and initial application of the hil induction logging tool 感应测井仪的测井原理及初步应用 |
| 4. | Characteristics and performance evaluation of russian hil induction logging instruments 感应测井仪特点及性能评价 |
| 5. | The coils - array configuration design of multi - component induction logging instrument 三分量感应测井仪的线圈系结构设计 |
| 6. | Developed from the spontaneous potential logging , induction logging and array induction logging are popular today 从最初的自然电位测井,发展到了感应测井和阵列感应测井。 |
| 7. | Moran j h and kuntz k s . basic theory of induction logging and application to study of two - coil sondes [ j ] . geophysics , 1962 , 27 ( 6 ) : 829 - 858 汪宏年,陶宏根,王桂萍,等,双感应测井资料实用化快速迭代反演[ j ] .地球物理学报(录用待刊) |
| 8. | The high frequency isoparametric induction logging is different to the normal induction logging . isoparametric is used in the design 高频等参数感应测井不同于常规感应测井,它采用等参数设计,能够较详细地划分地层电阻率剖面。 |
| 9. | The former soviet union started this research early in 1960 ’ s , had obtained many important fruits and had developed the commercial logging apparatus 前苏联在阵列相位感应测井方面的研究起步较早,取得了许多重要的成果,并开发出了成熟的商用仪器。 |
| 10. | Developing the phase introduction logging faces two key problems namely calibration and phase difference measurement . this paper has researched that two problems deeply and has obtained many important results 相位感应测井仪的研发不可避免地面临两大关键问题,即仪器刻度和相位差检测。 |