悖: Ⅰ动词[书面语] (相反; 违反) go against; contrary to; go counter to; revolt against 短语和例子悖情 against human nature; 并行不悖 not mutually exclusive; parallel and not contrary to each otherⅡ形容词[书面语] (违背道理;
悖戾: be perverse; deviate from accepted rules or standards
Example Sentences:
Politicians tend to serve the interests of their sources of power . when their appointments come from the chief executive rather than from the voters , it is very obvious to which side they would lean when the governments position and the public opinions are in conflict 政客一般倾向维护他们的权力来源,当委任议员的议席是来自特首委任而非选民的支持,遇到政府及市民的意见相并悖时,显而易见委任议员会倾向支持那一方。