| 1. | It contains the germ of the whole . 包含总体的萌芽。 |
| 2. | The mean of a normally distributed population lies at the center of its normal curve . 正态分布总体的平均数在正态曲线的中心。 |
| 3. | This agreement with observation is certainly far from a proof that the overall concept is valid . 与观测值的一致并不能证明总体的概念是适用的。 |
| 4. | Once the bond has been broken, the individual particles become a part of the noncohesive population . 一旦粘结破裂,单个的颗粒就变成非粘性总体的一部分。 |
| 5. | The student body's total number remains about the same, but the students making up the body are always changing . 全体学生的人数基本不变,但是组成学生总体的学生则是不断改变的。 |
| 6. | In many decision-making situations, managers need to determine whether the parameters of two populations are alike or different . 在许多需要做出决策的情况里,管理人员需要判断两个总体的参数是相同的还是不同。 |
| 7. | The overall risk for autism is said to be small 据说自闭症总体的风险是很低的。 |
| 8. | What is the right way to look at the aggregate 什么是检视总体的正确方法? |
| 9. | Likelihood ratio test of the lognormal population 对数正态总体的似然比检验 |
| 10. | The overall risk for autism is said to be small 总体的患上孤独症可能性据说是很小的。 |