His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity . 他那些怪话使我们心中生疑,不知他精神是否正常。
Of all those whom this strange rumour about bosinney and mrs. soames reached, james was most affected . 波辛尼和索米斯太太这段怪话传到许多人的耳朵里时,最最动心的要算詹姆士了。
No , at the ciub i said something weird 不,在俱乐部我说了一些怪话
One of them said some strange words , not russian 其中有个人说了什么不是俄国人通常说的怪话。
Said linton , addressing her ; what notion of propriety must you have to remain here , after the language which has been held to you by that blackguard 林敦对她说, “那个下流人对你说了这番怪话之后,你还要待在这儿,你对于遵守礼节究竟有什么看法?
The bad side of human thought will always be defined by the paradox of jean jacques rousseau , - you remember , - the mandarin who is killed five hundred leagues off by raising the tip of the finger 您知道,卢梭曾说过:一万五千里之外伸一伸手指尖,满大人就被杀死了,这句怪话最能表明人类思想上丑恶的一面。