流动: 1.(液体或气体移动) flow; run; circulate 短语和例子河水缓缓地流动。 the river is flowing slowly. 空气流动。 the air is circulating.2.(经常变换位置) going from place to place; on the move; mobile 短语和例子流动电影放映队 mobile film
快: Ⅰ形容词1.(速度高; 走路、做事等费的时间短) fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy 短语和例子动作快 be quick in action; 快极了 very fast; 请别说得那么快。 please don't speak so fast. 他进步很快。 he has made rapid progress. 我的表快五分钟。 my w