心潮滚翻: one's heart was in a turmoil [tumult].; one's mind is confused and excited.; one's mind is racing.; thoughts churn in one's mind; thoughts tumble through one's mind like tides
Here ceased the rapid flow of her self-reproving spirit . 至此,她那自责的猛烈心潮平息了。
His emotions were intense, he knew awe and hunger . 他心潮汹涌,感到又是肃然起敬,又是急不可耐。
She had to bury the tumult of her feeling under the restraint of society . 她得在社交礼貌的约束下,抑制住自己翻腾着的心潮。
She felt a terrible pain at her heart as she considered all she had gone through, her strength fell away, and, overcome by pity for herself . 当她考虑着她经历的一切时,她心上感到一阵剧痛,她的力量消失了,她为自怜自哀的心潮所淹没。
Always after this time this mood this kind of ponder , the surge of emotion surge to move 总在这段时光这份心情这种思索之后,心潮涌动。
We feel exciting when we review the past , and our hearts swell with pride and hope when we look forward 回顾过去,我们心潮激荡;展望未来,我们豪情满怀。
He , in turn , realized what she had done , and in the consequent warm surge of gratefulness that overwhelmed him forgot his loose - worded tongue 他反倒明白了她的意图,不禁心潮乍涌,感激莫名,又管不住他那信口开河的舌头了。