In the winter of that previous year mrs. poulteney had been a little ill . 前一年冬天,波尔蒂夫人偶染微恙。
Mr. moore's good constitution quickly triumphed over his indisposition. in a few days he shook it off . 穆尔先生体质好,很快就战胜他的微恙,不消几天工夫,他就把病魔赶走。
After a while ; a disciple was feeling a little queasy , so i accompanied him to the bathroom 过了一会儿,一位同修身体微恙有点反胃想吐,我陪他到盥洗室去。
Once patients learn the techniques involved , acupressure can be self - administered at home as required , thus reducing the dependence of patients on clinic visits 一旦个案学会穴位按压法的技术,他们可以在家里自己施行穴位按压法,以解除微恙,减少对医疗诊所的依赖。
He looked that day rather thinner after his illness than he had been at the review of olmtz , where bolkonsky had seen him for the first time abroad . but there was the same bewitching combination of majesty and mildness in his fine , grey eyes , and on his delicate lips the same possibility of varying expressions and the predominant expression of noble - hearted , guileless youth 微恙痊愈之后,他今天比博尔孔斯基首次在国外奥尔米茨阅兵场上,看见他时更瘦弱,但在他那俊秀的灰色眼睛中,令人惊叹的庄重与温厚的神情兼而有之,他那薄薄的嘴唇上现出他能流露的各种表情,主要是心地善良而且天真无邪的青年的表情。