| 1. | Chapter four : possibility of the compulsory patent license . this part analyses how to 第五章专利强制许可适用于环境保护在实施中的阻力与障碍。 |
| 2. | Chapter two : relevant provisions in relevant international treaties and the domestic laws of some major countries on the compulsory patent license for public interests 第二章国际条约、中国以及外国法律关于为公共利益目的之专利强制许可规定。 |
| 3. | In the decision granting the compulsory license for exploitation , the scope and duration of the exploitation shall be specified on the basis of the reasons justifying the grant 给予实施强制许可的决定,应当根据强制许可的理由规定实施的范围和时间。 |
| 4. | Chapter three : prominent embodiments of the function and the necessity of compulsory patent license in environmental protection ? the special needs of developing countries 第三章专利强制许可在环境保护中的作用和必要性之突出表现? ?发展中国家的特殊需要。 |
| 5. | Thus the onerous constraints on the granting of compulsory licences under the trips agreement may enrich developed countries at the costs of developing countries T犯ps协议过于保护专利权、限制强制许可会导致财富的逆向转移,阻碍发展中国家的经济发展和技术进步。 |
| 6. | The third part highlights fair use , statutory license and compulsory license function in library copyright balance from the view of digitalization , gats and trips agreements 结合数字化技术、世界贸易组织中的gats协议和trips协议分析了合理使用、法定许可、强制许可在图书馆版权平衡中的作用。 |
| 7. | We recognize that wto members with insufficient or no manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector could face difficulties in making effective use of compulsory licensing under the trips agreement 我们熟悉到那些在医药领域没有或没有足够生产能力的wto成员在有效使用《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》中规定的强制许可时,可能碰到困难。 |
| 8. | We recognize that wto members with insufficient or no manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector could face difficulties in making effective use of compulsory licensing under the trips agreement 我们认识到那些在医药领域没有或没有足够生产能力的wto成员在有效使用《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》中规定的强制许可时,可能遇到困难。 |
| 9. | Fourthly , the economic analysis of law indicates that compulsory patent licensing may reduce the costs of granting exclusive patent rights , and it is particularly the case in the context of international patent system 本文第四章从法律经济学的角度考察专利强制许可制度的重要性,阐明专利制度会引起巨大的经济成本,而强制许可制度有利于减少这些成本。 |
| 10. | Restriction upon trade - secret right covers widely . it includes the following aspects , such as validity of exerting “ reverse engineering , ” acquirement of trade - secret in good faith , obligation of non - competition and compulsory license 它涵盖了行为人实施“反向工程”的合法性、商业秘密的善意取得、竞业禁止、强制许可措施等内容中对商业秘密权的限制。 |