| 1. | " perez was the galactico , " snapped figo this week 费戈本周嘲讽说: “弗洛伦蒂诺才是银河巨星。 ” |
| 2. | With p rez ' s departure comes a shift in mentality , a whole new identity to the santiago bernab u 弗洛伦蒂诺走后,伯纳乌也出现了一种新的意志,一种新的个性。 |
| 3. | When mariano garc a rem n left ronaldo on the bench , p rez asked him : " who do you think you are to leave ronaldo out ? 凳上,结果得到了俱乐部主席弗洛伦蒂诺一顿劈头盖脸地“臭骂” : “让罗纳尔多坐冷板凳,你以为你是谁呀! ” |
| 4. | Florentino p rez , the architect of the gal ctico , football ' s greatest romantic or perhaps its greatest cynic , has departed real madrid after almost six years of triumphalism 弗洛伦蒂诺作为西班牙皇家马德里俱乐部的主席,一手打造了巨星云集的皇家马德里队。 |
| 5. | The man crawlingly referred to as " a superior being " by vice - president emilio butrague ? o has finally turned the blame on himself , having employed four directors of football and seven coaches 据英国卫报2月28日报道,在过去的6年里,弗洛伦蒂诺一共雇用了4名足球技术总监和7名主教练。 |
| 6. | He has at last recognised that , amid the successes , the club ' s failings were his too ; that the wondrous football team he wore so proudly simply did not exist 为此,俱乐部主席弗洛伦蒂诺近日无奈地选择了辞职,承认自己一直引以为豪的所谓“银河战舰”根本就不存在,所谓的球星政策也完全失败。 |
| 7. | Ra l and roberto carlos are still there but neither was a p rez summer signing brought to the capital by private jet and military cavalcade ; neither represented galacticism quite like the englishman 劳尔和罗伯特?卡洛斯虽然还在,但他们都不是弗洛伦蒂诺用私人飞机和仪仗队迎接到西班牙首都来的球员,他们不能像小贝这个英格兰人那样代表银河巨星主义的理念。 |
| 8. | Z departs with real madrid 10 points adrift in the league , out of the copa del rey and on a knife - edge in the champions league . should madrid finish the year empty - handed , it would be their third successive season without a major trophy - the first time they would have endured such a drought since 1950 - 53 . in the last four years under p 当弗洛伦蒂诺选择离开的时候,本赛季的皇马已经在联赛中落后老对手西甲“领头羊”巴塞罗那队10分,而在欧洲冠军联赛八分之一比赛中,主场作战的他们更是0 : 1不敌英超没落“贵族”阿森纳队,出线形势岌岌可危。 |
| 9. | P rez departs with real madrid 10 points adrift in the league , out of the copa del rey and on a knife - edge in the champions league . should madrid finish the year empty - handed , it would be their third successive season without a major trophy - the first time they would have endured such a drought since 1950 - 53 当弗洛伦蒂诺选择离开的时候,本赛季的皇马已经在联赛中落后老对手西甲“领头羊”巴塞罗那队10分,而在欧洲冠军联赛八分之一比赛中,主场作战的他们更是0 : 1不敌英超没落“贵族”阿森纳队,出线形势岌岌可危。 |