[ nòngjiǎchéngzhēn ] by juggling with deceit (we have) ended in a solid truth.; by juggling with the fictitious (they had) made it real.; fulfill what was promised in a joke; pretence may become reality.; say [do] in fun what is carried out in earnest; what was make-believe has become reality.; what was said in fun is fulfilled in earnest
Example Sentences:
And these carried back to sondra, along with certain embellishments by constance, had the desired effect . 这些后来又传到桑德拉的耳朵里,加上康斯坦丝添枝加叶,就弄假成真了。
Your coming will be a confirmation if such a report exists 如果外界真有这种流言那么你赶到这反而会弄假成真
That is why i disguise them in untruth , saying the contrary of what i mean 因此我弄假成真,说出和我的真心相反的话。
" your coming to longbourn , to see me and my family , " said elizabeth coolly , " will be rather a confirmation of it ; if , indeed , such a report is in existence . 伊丽莎白冷冷地说: “要是外界真有这种传说,那么你赶到浪搏恩来看我和我家里人,反而会弄假成真。 ”
If children are engaged in prostitution of their own free will , and the parents are incapable of providing safe custody , the courts may order competent authorities to provide counseling for not less than 6 months and not more than 2 years 要与目前的中国领导阶层打教倒是说比做容易。我们不要让中国的敌意弄假成真,如一些国会议员所力主的将中国提升为我国第三级国防计画的假想对象。
He said that in a grown - up society such as ours , the media cannot expect to get away with parading falsehoods as truths , or ignoring salient facts because they happened to be inconvenient to the line of argument ? or narrative ? that particular journalists , or media organisations , might choose to adopt on any given controversy or issue 他还说,在我们这样一个成熟的社会,媒体不能期望对于弄假成真或者是刻意忽视显著事实的事情置身事外,因为这些扭曲会造成争论或是叙事上的麻烦,而那些特定的记者或是媒体机构可能会采纳任何操弄的争论或者是议题。