A fiery april 17 memo by the shanghai lawyers association has accused foreign law firms of conducting " illegal business activities " by skirting regulations prohibiting them from practicing chinese law 炎热的4月17日,上海市律师协会举办的内部会议上,指责外国律所绕开禁止外国律所从事中国法律事务的规定,开展"非法经营活动" 。
From the profit conflict , my papers study directors ’ duty of loyalty , consulting other counties ’ legislation , especially england and america ’ s . i hope my thesis can help perfect our corporate law and corporate governance structures 纵观各国立法和实践,对董事自利行为的法律规制,大都经历了一个从严格禁止到逐步开禁,并逐渐实现法典化的过程。
Within these reserves hunting of wild animals is banned . besides these nature reserves , some counties also take measures for wildlife protection , such as hunting allowed in one of every four years and marking out of small areas for hunting , etc 保护区内全面禁止猎杀野生动物,在其他非保护区,不少县采取相应措施,如“三军禁猎,一年开禁” 、划出小区禁猎,等等。