Based on his analysis of chinese cultural heritage in the book " knowledge and action " , the author first illustrated the limitations of applying confucian ethics for ordinary people in contemporary society , then discussed how to derive code of ethics for professional education from an integration of the universal principle of ren with specific knowledge of various disciplines in modern society 作者首先以他在《知识与行动》一书中对中华文化传统的分析为基础,指出传统儒家庶人伦理应用在现代社会中可能遭遇到的局限,然后从伦理学的角度,指出:如何以具有普遍性的仁道,配合不同学科的专业知识,导衍出现代社会所须要的专业伦理,作为专业伦理教育的材料。