- allo . - you stiii a guest of the government -哈? -你还是政府的座上客?
Allo . - you stiii a guest of the government 哈? -你还是政府的座上客?
He found in india that subalterns were two a penny and invited nowhere 在印度,中尉和少尉军官多得不值钱,在哪儿也不会成为座上客。
Li , 78 , has long been at or near the top of various rich lists compiled by financial magazines and researchers 现年78岁的李嘉诚一直都是诸多金融杂志及研究人员编制的各类财富榜座上客,他的排名始终位于前列。
Now all i care is who would attend this concert in shanghai , as this is the first concert of ah mui in northern part of china 而令我们关心的是,究竟哪种人会成为这上海仅有的一场个唱,而且是内地首次个唱的座上客呢?
John terry : 8 . 5 / 10 ? sidelined by serious injury during the winter and injured again due to his own bravery in the carling cup final 约翰特里: 8 . 5 / 10 ? ?在冬天期间因为严重受伤而只能作座上客,然而复出后在联赛杯决赛又因一己之勇猛而再度受创。
He was so knowledgeable in currency and exchange that he played a prominent part in advising queen elizabeth i on the reform of the currency ; and he was so well off and well placed that he could afford to entertain her twice as his guest 事实上,由于他对货币与交易方面的事宜了如指掌,因此成为英女王伊利沙白一世改革货币制度的主要军师。他家境富裕,地位显赫,曾经两次邀得英女王成为他的座上客。根据