A research on the factors of influencing employees to adopt mobile business 影响员工接受移动商务应用因素研究
The researcher applies factor analysis to the data to remove highly correlated variables , then applies cluster analysis to create a specified number of maximally different segments 研究者先应用因素分析法将一些高度相关的因素从数据中剔除,然后再采用集群分析法创造一个包括一定数量的消费者且具有显明特色的细分市场。
In the analyse of gradation and classification the study use the method of factors and the dynamic model of sum taking the weight and make revision with the land use coefficient and the land economic coefficient . the grade of synthesize not only reflect the effect to each factor but outstand the leading restrict factor 应用因素分析法对区域农用地的等级进行了研究,采用动态加权求和模型作为指数综合的方法,再用土地利用系数和经济系数进行修正,使综合分值既能反映出每个因素对农用地质量的影响,又能突出主导限制性因素的作用。