| 1. | The old man is in charge of general affairs 那位年纪大的人负责总务后勤。 |
| 2. | The elder people and children always lag behind when we go for a walk "我们出门散步时,年纪大的人和孩子们总是落在后头。 |
| 3. | They say he ' s very good with elderly people , but he does tend to get a bit impatient with children 他们说他擅长治年纪大的人,但他对孩子没有多少耐心。 |
| 4. | However a word of warning ! i don . t recommend it for the grandmas and grandpas because there are lots of stairs to climb 但是有一个警告。我不建议年纪大的人去,那有很多台阶呀上。 |
| 5. | Other studies have found similar results - - that older people experience negative emotion less often and recover from it more quickly 类似的结果也出现在其它的各项研究里- -年纪大的人消极情绪体验量更少,恢复得也更迅速。 |
| 6. | Older people often fear change . they know what they can do best . they prefer to repeat their successes rather than risk failure 年纪大的人常常怕变化。他们知道什么最拿手,宁愿把自己成功的经验在如法炮制而不愿冒失败的危险。 |
| 7. | But only in the last decade have researchers begun to measure happiness across the life span and , in doing so , try to understand why older people tend to be so content 可是仅仅在过去十年里研究者们才开始对整个人生跨度上的幸福感进行衡量来试图了解为什么年纪大的人往往会感到很知足。 |
| 8. | Also , studies from the french national institute of medical research of montpelier ( which is also the capitol of vermont - - booyah ) found that drinking caffeine daily may help aging adults better remember names and words 同时,位于蒙彼利埃的法国国家医疗研究所(蒙彼利埃同时也是佛蒙特的首府,嘘,呵呵)发现,每天喝咖啡因饮料能够帮助年纪大的人记住更多的名字和单词。 |