Study on jianwen emperor ' s reign title delected 建文朝年号革除考述
9 . the embassy to sui china and the beginning of the title of " emperor 9 .遣隋使和开始使用“天皇”年号
This is a chinese “ reign - mark ” . it reads : made during the qianlong period , qing dy nasty 这是中国年号款,写的是《大清乾隆年制》 。
Today we celebrate a special new year with a momentous number : the year two thousand 今天,我们庆祝一个特殊的新年,它的年号不同凡响,是2000年。
The evolution of chinese writing forms in japan : focus on the use of the emperor s personal name and reign 日本皇名年号用字中的汉字文化表现刘元满
You can also autofill with weekdays , days of the week , a series of years , a linear or growth series of numbers 您也可以自动填充周日、星期几、年号、等差或等比序列。
From his humble beginning as a young officer at the end of the sui dynasty , to his subsequent rule as a one of china s greatest emperor from 626 to 649 ad 最后,李世民怎可排除万难?登上皇位改年号为贞观,写下历史上辉煌一页- "贞观之治
The person in charge and senior supervision engineer in the following projects : 1 engineering supervision in upright pivot , wuxue - taiyuan ; 2 engineering supervision in no . 3 bridge of tonglu , nantong 3 太原武穴立交枢纽工程监理、南通市九五年号工程?通三号桥工程监理。
It s not clear that when this building established but according to the material and the style as well as the year written on the tablet of lu s store sign , it was supposed to be during the japanese colonization 此宅兴建年代说法不一,据建筑材料及形式以及当年卢氏经商宝号木匾丰源上之壬寅年号推论,应是日明治年间所建。