They "traded" violently with greeks, and so brought sword and flame upon themselves . 他们凶暴地同希腊人“贸易”,结果引起干戈,玩火自焚。
This emphasis was necessary in order to urge the people to take up arms on behalf of a nationality whose existence they themselves had hardly recognized . 这一强调是必需的,以便促使人民为一个他们很难意识其存在的国家执起干戈。
I now know that wars do not end wars 如今我才弄明白,干戈不能化玉帛
Page 48 : the clatter of armor and clanking of metal could be heard 铠甲的哗啦声和干戈相碰的金属声已经能听到。
When the warriors came out first from their master ' s hall , where had they hid their power ? where were their armour and their arms 当战士们从他们主公的明堂里刚走出来,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?他们的甲胄和干戈藏在哪里呢?
Next to the age of silver came that of brass , more savage of temper and readier for the strife of arms , yet not altogether wicked 白银时代之后就是青铜时代。人们的禀性更加粗野,动辄就要大兴干戈,但是还没有达到十恶不赦的地步。
Next to the age of silver came that fo brass , more savage of temper and readier for the strife of arms , yet not altogether wicked 白银时代之后就是青铜朝代。人们的禀性更加粗野,动辄就要大兴干戈,但是还没有达到十恶不赦的地步。