[ zuǒgùyòupàn ] look right and left; cast (glances) about; glance left and right; look warily right and left; peep right and left
Example Sentences:
He neither blushed, nor looked away, nor looked conscious . 他既不脸红,也不左顾右盼,也不忸怩不安。
She looks around now , bewildered , seeming to want something 她不知所措,她左顾右盼。好像在找什么东西。
I glanced around wildly on the way he went to work , refusing to accept the reality 可一个星期后,我开始魂不守舍,我常常在他上班的路上左顾右盼,不相信他就此罢手了。
Not daring to look round from the front line , by an ecstatic instinct without looking round , he felt his approach 他不敢在队列中环顾,虽然他并未左顾右盼,而他却以狂欢的嗅觉闻到了他的驾临。
When the man ' s smile lured me to join him , we began to communicate in the kind of sign language and laughter one learns while vagabonding around the world 有人建议我们径直穿过拥挤的车流,不要左顾右盼,以免他们撞到我们。
His eyes never met mine ; they kept wandering to and fro , up and down , now with a look to the sky , now with a flitting glance upon the dead o brien 他总是避开我的视线,东张西望,左顾右盼时而看看天,时而瞥一眼死去的奥布赖恩。
At the same time it seems like there are unspoken rules that people follow , preventing the large amount of accidents i would had expected 而这里却是完全相反的,行人在穿越马路的时候必须要左顾右盼是否有汽车或者是摩托车在转弯。
I passed up the street , looking as i went at all the houses to the right hand and to the left ; but i could discover no pretext , nor see an inducement to enter any 我沿街走去,一面走一面左顾右盼,打量着所有的房子,但找不到进门的借口或动机。
Stop before the car reaches bronze statues , at i glanced right and left to look for the florist shop , translated and performed conjuring tricks to pass me a bunch of flowers the samly alikly 车到铜像前停下,正在我左顾右盼找花店的时候,翻译象变戏法一样将一束鲜花递给了我。
Stop before the car reaches bronze statues , at i glanced right and left to look for the florist shop , translated and performed conjuring tricks to pass me a bunch of flowers the samly alikly 车到铜像前停下,正在我左顾右盼找花店的时候,翻译象变戏法一样将一束鲜花递给了我。